Monday, September 16, 2019

The Impatient Chef Recipe: Shrimp With Black Rice and Garlic

You can eat delicious food, and still be impatient.

2 cups cooked black pearl rice.
1/2 pound cooked shrimp.
As much pressed garlic as you can stand.
1 tbsp fresh chives, chopped.
Salt and pepper to taste.
3 tbsp butter.
3 tbsp blanc vermouth.

Melt butter in skillet. Add garlic, stir vigorously.  After about 30 seconds, add chives and rice.  Cook, stirring often, until hot.  Add salt and pepper.  Stir. Add shrimp. Stir.  Cook until hot.  Add vermouth.  Stir.  Cover and cook on low for 5 minutes.  Stir enough to keep rice from sticking. Serve.

The Impatient Chef Can't Sit Still at Humble Spirit, McMinnville, Oregon

Disclaimer:  The series "The Impatient Chef Can't Sit Still" is an exploration of food found while traveling.  The reviews are...